New Product Released ☆☆☆ Toa Sports Balm
$29.95 rrp
Kawakawa Spa and Native Remedies are celebrating the Warriors win!!! with the official release of our brand new🌟 sports balm "TOA"
💪🏾. This name emulates courage, bravery and a winning spirit 3 characteristics needed to perform well in any given competitive environment!
🏅 "TOA" is also the name of our youngest child and even though just a baby, she is already starting to show these qualities already.
😊 "TOA Sports Balm"
🏄🏽has been a long time in the making and alot of thought and care has gone into its development.
Although it is targeted 🎯towards the sports and recreation market, we would also highly recommend it for Kairãkau/Kaihaka/MPA me ērā atu mahi ki te tautoko ã koutou huarahi i te ao mãori
😝, people who have physically demanding jobs and those who have niggly ongoing injuries. Perfect for muscle strains and pains with many healing properties such as helping to heal muscle spasms, inflammation, bruising etc.
We are also very excited to announce that we have created both a mens 🙎🏽♂️and womens
🙎🏻 brand, which we know will compliment both parties being made gender specific and look forward to seeing these gems
💎 out on the sports fields.
We hope you all enjoy our new taonga "TOA"
Nõ reira e te iwi ngã mihinui ki a koutou katoa mõ ãu koutou tautoko tonu ki te whare rongoa whãnau nei o Kawakawa Spa me Native Remedies nã te mea nãu te rourou nãku te rourou ka ora ai te iwi #TīheiWhenaOra 💚